Greenwood Chinchillas
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Automatic Watering Systems

When keeping many chinchillas in the same room/shed, it can be a huge effort to constantly change, clean and refill individual water bottles, for this reason many people that have a larger number of chinchillas use automatic watering systems.

There generally is only one system being sold at present in the UK specifically for this purpose, though there are many for breeders of guinea pigs and rabbits - however the nipples differ and may be difficult for a chinchilla to use on those systems

The System

The system works by having a reservoir of water up high, which is directed through black plastic tubing (to stop algae growth) to each cage.   Each cage has a nipple held in place with a metal bracket through which the chinchilla can gain water by pressing on the nipple which releases a vale to allow water to dribble through.

Water reservoir
Water reservoir
water pipes to each cages water nipple
water pipes to each cages water nipple

The reservoir has to be higher than the level of the cages as the system is gravity fed, this means that if your unit has cages high up in the air (not recommended as heat rises and is more likely to cause problems for animals in these cages) then these cages will still need to use water bottles.

attached to side of the cage
attached to side of the cage
attached along the top front of the cage
attached along the top front of the cage

The pipes are attached to be held 2-3 inches away from the cages using piece of normal wire mesh cut and shaped into brackets - otherwise the chinchillas will chew through the pipes causing the entire reservoir to empty through the hole they cause leaving the entire unit without water.  For this reason it is better to use many smaller systems on a large number of cages rather than a sole reservoir for all.

Watering Nipple
Watering Nipple
Nipple Bracket
Nipple Bracket
In Cage View
In Cage View
Outside Cage view
Outside Cage view

Each nipple is held in place by a metal bracket that fits onto the cage mesh which contains two holes, the nipple pushes through both holes to be held in place.

In hard water areas the nipples can clog with lime scale and leak, if they are taken apart, the rubber washers removed (keep in water to keep damp or they wildry out and crack) and all metal parts soaked in vinegar, then rinsed completely and reassembled this can be cured.

I have never found a problem with using this type of system though some breeders have said tat kits could have difficulties and do add a normal water bottle when they are in the cage.  I have never found this and often see kits drinking from the water nipples (just ensure they are low enough down the cage so that they can reach)

There area few disadvantages to using an automated watering system:

1)  you cannot tell how much water individual animals are drinking

2) you have to check each nipple daily to ensure that there is water flow and no air blockage

3) when a pipe is broken you get SOAKED fixing it


If anyone has identified any taps that can fit into this type of tubing then please do inform me! My idea has been to adda tap between each cage so that should one pipe be broken it is easier and drier to change the small broken part without the whole system draining.

Watering systems MUST be disinfected every 6 months to ensure no bacterial blooms can grow.  See this page for more information.

Flushing Through your Watering System

Every 6 months you should completely flush through your watering system using a pet safe disinfectant – the only one that has always been recommended to me is Vanodine V18.   

Vanodine V18 can be purchased for several outlets, it is an idophor (iodine based) - but is the ONLY disinfectant totally safe for cleansing watering systems safely and effecitvely.

When supplied it has to be diluted to one part per 1000 (so it colours the water the colour of pale white wine).

Remove each nipple from the cages so that the chins cannot drink from the system whilst you are cleaning it.


Drain the system using the following method:   

Remove then end stop of the system t ordain away any water and press each nipple to release any water left in each down pipe.


Recharge the system by

Fill the reservoir with the fluid and replace the end stop to the system once the fluid has flowed completely through to the end of the system.    Pressing each nipple to allow the air to escape so that the fluid fills the complete system.

Leave for 20 minutes, then redrain the system.

Refill the system with fresh clean water and recharge the system, ensuring you allow each nipple to flow for a fair while to remove any remaining disinfectant.